Saturday, November 24, 2012

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Windows Management Instrumentation Tester (WBEMTest)

Windows Management Instrumentation Tester (WBEMTest)

Windows Management Instrumentation Tester, also called WBEMTest, is a general-purpose utility for viewing or modifying Common Information Model (CIM) classes, instances, or methods during the development of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) providers and WMI applications. WBEMTest can also be used for troubleshooting WMI or programs that depend on WMI.

** Note
  • Although Microsoft provides this documentation to assist you in using WBEMTest, the tool is primarily intended for use by Microsoft Product Support Services.
Use WBEMTest to perform the following tasks:
  • Create, enumerate, and delete CIM classes and instances
  • Execute methods
  • Run queries
  • Display the Managed Object Format (MOF) code for classes and instances.
Because WBEMTest acts as a front-end to the COM API for WMI, you can also use WBEMTest to check queries, classes, and instances when developing WMI providers and WMI client applications.
For more information, see COM API for WMI. (
The executable file for WBEMTest, Wbemtest.exe, is installed in the WBEM directory of your Windows system directory. On Windows XP systems, this is the %windir%\system32\Wbem folder.

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